The West Hates Women

“We in the modern West are living under barbarism, though we do not recognize it. Our scientists, our judges, our princes, our scholars, and our scribes–they are at work demolishing the faith, the family, gender, even what it means to be human.” 

– Rod Dreher, The Benedict Option

We all witness the obvious war the West wages against men. The mainstream narrative is saturating the digital, educational, political and social spaces with messages like ‘toxic masculinity’, ‘oppressive patriarchy’, ‘men are violent’, ‘the world would be a better place without men’, and ‘boys need to be retrained’, etc. We see how – for decades – they medicate boys who are ‘too active’, who ‘can’t sit still for six hours and listen’, who can’t fit into an educational system that is dominated and led by women. We see how jobs only men can do are belittled and devalued in society. We witness how the media elevates and rewards feminized men. And the list could go on.

With all these obvious realities it might be surprising to read that the West equally hates women, too.

From the overwhelming narrative of the West we all could think that now our culture wants to take revenge on men and wants to elevate women into positions of power. But nothing could be further from the truth. We all could think that our culture is so much in love with women that we want to feminize everything in our culture. The West hates women just as it hates men. Rod Dreher is right, We in the modern West are living under barbarism, though we do not recognize it. The West aims to create a fraction and competition between the foundational connection which builds a healthy society – the connection between man and woman.

No matter how vocally feminist our western culture is and how proud it is of its achievement about liberating women, deep down the West hates and belittles women. Of course, our western world likes to be viewed as the liberator of women from the patriotic oppression which forced women into the “role of motherhood and degraded them to be housewives when they could be so much more”. Yes, there are important improvements about women’s rights (voting, education, work opportunities, etc.), but the West happily gave those rights to women in order to be able to exploit women in a more sinister way.  (Needless to say, it is a very typical signature of our western arrogance that we like to be seen as virtuous, morally advanced, enlightened culture and we enjoy educating the rest of the world from our moral high ground while we exploit their resources. Unfortunately, what is greater than our arrogance is our ignorance.)

6 + 1 signs that the West hates women:

  1. The West hates women because it worships, encourages, rewards and elevates women to objectify themselves as means of sexual pleasure for men. The West makes soulless objectified bodies out of women. When our culture encourages and rewards teenage girls to dress like and act like sexual objects, then we know that we equal their value to soulless tools to satisfy men’s worst desires. The West celebrates and rewards women who expose their beauty to the public. We idolize women who are promiscuous. We promote songs and movies where women are degraded to sexual body parts. There is no greater way to degrade someone, or belittle someone than exposing their nakedness––and that is exactly what the Western culture is encouraging and rewarding women to do. The West hates women because it rewards women with higher pay who are exposing themselves in front of a camera or in a strip bar than women who are working hard and raising children. 
  2. The West hates women because it teaches young women that modesty, decency and chivalry are signs of oppressive and toxic masculinity. 
  3. The West hates women because it looks down on motherhood and on the traditional, nurturing, life- and home-creating role of a woman as something that modern, progressive and enlightened women grew out of. The West hates women because we made motherhood a choice and gave the power over life and death into the hands of “liberated women”–a power that crushes the souls and mental (sometimes physical) health of many of these women.
  4. The West hates women as it elevates and prioritize the model of the independent strong woman who doesn’t need anybody, who can conquer the world alone and who can do whatever she wants with her body. This kind of modeling forces women into isolation and loneliness, making them embrace roles, jobs and responsibilities they are not inclined to do or not suited for. Following this false narrative and image hijacks many women to embrace and enjoy who they really are.
  5. The West hates women because it celebrates men who are transitioning into women. When the ‘woman of the year’ award was given to biological male (in 2022, in 2023,   and many other times), then we know that the West looks down on women. The West hates women when in the competition where only women should compete and win, a traditional beauty pageant, they give the Miss Universe reward to a biological male. The West hates women because it celebrates men who are competing against women. The West sends the clear message to young women that no matter how hard  they work, they can’t compete or win over men. With this also comes a subtle message to young women which says that they are better off by selling their body to men, because their performance can’t compete with men’s. 
  6. The West hates women because it can’t even define what a woman is. Leaving ‘woman’ undefined means stripping them from their identity and leaving them without protection. Something undefined can’t be protected. (Think about how biological males now can go into women’s bathrooms, expose themselves and insult women [Virginia school case]. Or think about the girls who were working hard to win a competition and now biological males are taking their well-deserved rewards and our culture will not protect these girls.)

+1. California now plans to pay for gay couples to rent a woman’s body to be able to have children as now they classify a man’s inability to fall pregnant as “infertility”. So now women are used as necessary agents even by those who don’t want to reproduce naturally with women. And if that would not be enough, we are also taking women’s wombs and planting them into men’s bodies. Just another expression of viewing, using and belittling women into useful body parts. 

We liberated women from the ‘toxic, oppressive patriarchy’ just to make them the slaves of men’s sexual exploitation, rob them of their identity and – if possible – even take away their God-given exclusive role to produce life.

And we are surprised that teenage girl suicide grew 151% and depression grew 189% in the past decade.

On the contrary, here are…

12 ways how Jesus relates to women

  1. Jesus Protects women [John 8:1-8] – when the mass wants to stone the adulterous woman.
  2. Jesus Heals women [Mt 9:20-22, Lk 8:2] – when all others just robbed her from her money and nobody could heal her bleeding.
  3. Jesus Rewards woman [Mt 26:6-13] – when Mary anoints him, Jesus says that her action will be proclaimed forever.
  4. Jesus breaks gender, cultural, religious and ethnic boundaries to Listen to a woman and Restore her [John 4] – the longest conversation of Jesus recorded with an untouchable, outcast woman.
  5. Jesus Resurrects woman [Mk 5:35-43] – the young daughter of a Jewish leader.
  6. Jesus Forgives woman [Luke 7:36-50] – at Simon’s house to the prostitute 
  7. Jesus Fellowships and Eats with outcast women [Matthew 9:10-17, Mark 2:15-22, and Luke 5:29-39] – he ate with prostitutes.
  8. Jesus Accepts support from women [Lk 8:1-3] – women supported his ministry, which was an unprecedented humility to accept financial support from women.
  9. Jesus Teaches women [Lk 10:38-42] – allows Mary to sit at his feet and listen to him. 
  10. Jesus Disciples woman [Lk 8:1-3] – when no teacher of his time was allowed to have female disciples, he invited women to follow him.
  11. Jesus Reveals himself to women [John 20:1-18] – the first to see Jesus after his resurrection was a woman, she became the first “apostle”, the first messenger of the good news of resurrection.
  12. Jesus Provides for women [John 19:26-27] – even at the cross he cared to provide for the future of his mother.

Jesus is doing all these things for women because all women are His Daughters! He created them. He died for them. He treats all of them as a caring, loving, protecting, providing Father. 

No good father wants to see his daughters treated as the west treats women today.

One thought on “The West Hates Women


    This is so powerful, so terribly sad and yet insightful.  Thank you.  Blessings to you and yours and may our Gracious Heavenly Father infuse you today with His wisdom, courage and peace.

    Liked by 1 person

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